Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Why does my dog beg so much?!

I've always wondered why my dog begs so much! Every time we sit at the table to eat she nudges your leg for food, every time she smells cheese she jumps at the counters to try and get some and every time she hears a bag of food being opened she is right there beside you! Why is this?

When you are eating and you dog smells the delicious food, they can't help but want to have a bite. Begging is found in many different breeds as a personality trait, but it is very easy to correct. I had no idea that there was even a way to stop them! I love my dog and every time she gives me the puppy face while I'm eating, I always give her a bite. It's hard to resist that cute little face. Here's some tips on how to break your dog from this habit:

1) Don't feed your dog directly from the table ( I am guilty of this!)
The lengths my dog will go to
get food!
2) Only feed your dog table food if they are behaving
3) Put the table scraps in their dog dish
4) If possible, keep your dog away from the dining room
5) Make sure you feed your dog before you eat so they are no longer hungry while you are eating
6) Bribe them to stay away from the dinner table with a treat

Every dog is different so you will have to find out what works with your dog, but it is possible to break the habit of begging!

Until I did this little bit of research, I always gave my dog food right from the table and it became so bad that she always expected it! Now that I know possible steps to help prevent begging, I will definitely be using them. I already feed my dog before we eat, but she seems to never be full!

Now I know that it is our fault that our dog begs so much, and I now know how to help her stop! All of the research I did came from here.

1 comment:

  1. This was a great blog for me because my dog is the worst when it comes to begging! she follows you everywhere when you have food and sits next to you and stares at the food. She also drools all over your lap if your not paying attention and its really gross!
