Friday, November 8, 2013

Clean or Dirty?

My dog Kahlua HATES water! Anything that has to do with getting wet or going near water she absolutely loathes. Whenever she hears the word bath, even if we say the word bathroom, she runs away and tucks her tail underneath herself. Why is it that some dogs love water but others can't stand it?

It is said that it is purely the dogs breed and instinct that decides whether they will like water or not. Because Kahlua is a smaller breed, she tends to not like water where as a larger breed of dog would be more likely to like it. There are obviously some exceptions to that rule of thumb. When smaller dogs are in a bath, they feel like they are being submerged in water, so they feel like they might drown. This is why some dogs will start shivering and try to get out of the bath, because they don't want to drown.

Kahlua is very weird when it comes to getting cold and wet. She will not go near the bath and she will also steer clear from the pool, but when it snows out she will want to be outside all of the time. My dog absolutely loves the snow, but I cannot figure out why. It is cold and wet, just like in the bath, but she loves to play in the snow and get covered in it! If only she could talk and explain to me her reasoning...

We now take Kahlua to the doggy spa (groomer)
about every 4 weeks to keep up on her personal hygiene. We used to do all of that for her, but she would not come near us afterwords like she was holding a grudge against us. We have to drag her in through the spa doors, but in the end it is completely worth is to see her all clean and pretty and happy to see us when she is done.

I have come to the conclusion that if it were up to Kahlua, she would rather stay dirty and stinky than be bathed and clean.


  1. Thats funny that she hates baths because Lady loves them! But lady is a bigger dog so that explains things. Well and my animals are a bit odd, even my cats like water.. We take Lady to the spa too because its a lot of work to clean her and groom her ourselves because shes so big! I think Lady would rather stay dirty and stinky if she had the choice too!

  2. She is so adorable. It is funny how she is afraid of water, she is like a cat! My dog used to love bathes! Although now that she is older she could careless. She would love bathing and she loved swimming! But when you put her near a hose she ran! Dogs are funny but a great companion to have! I wish they could live forever
