Tuesday, October 15, 2013

A bunny or a dog?

Lately my dog has been behaving more like a rabbit, rather than a dog. She hops at the sight of food and she loves to chow down on carrots. Sometimes she even eats their poop in my backyard (gross). I wonder why they act so alike.

When my dog was a baby, we always fed her big carrots. The reason behind this, is that she would chew on everything because of her teething! Walls, base boards, shoes, slippers, etc. were all chewed up and she got yelled at all the time because of it. We started giving her big carrots to chew on, that way, she was eating the carrot and the coolness of that carrot felt good on her teeth and she no longer wanted to chew on all of our stuff. Sure enough, this became a habbit and four years later,  she is still eating carrots and considers them as healthy treats!

We have rabbits in the backyard that she loves to sniffout  and chase. One time, we let her outside and she went to lay down on her favorite bush ( the bottom of the bush is cool in the smmer and she lays on it to cool off) and out popped a bunny! She was so shocked that a bunny was in her bush! The expression on her face was priceless. If she could speak, I'm more then sure that the words she would have said wouldn't sound very pretty.

She might act like a rabbit more than she acts like a dog, but I'm certain that she's not the only one... I mean this quality that she has only makes her more adorable than she already is!

                                                       Kahlua's Thanksgiving dessert


  1. This blog is hilarious! I never would have imagined comparing this dog to a bunny rabbit, but you somehow managed to make the comparison. There are so many tricks that we can do to help our pets with little problems like teething and more. I personally don't have a dog, however, it is a good tip for dog owners.

  2. Your dog is certainly not the only one! I've compared my dogs to multiple different animals. My smaller dog, Abbey, hops like a rabbit when shes outside, often plays like a cat when she's inside and enjoys eating strange foods that my other dog wont even touch. She's pretty strange, but it's what makes her unique and I think it adds to her cuteness just as Kahlua's similarities to a rabbit adds to how adorable she is!

  3. My dog does the same thing! Even when shes playing in the backyard she tucks her bottom under her and hops around! One time when we had a nest of baby bunnies in our backyard she acted like a mother towards them and cuddled them and played with them! I guess dogs just have some bunny instincts.

  4. How adorable! My dog has always loved bananas. As soon as she hears the peeling of the banana she runs to come and see you because she thinks she is getting some of the banana. It is weird some of the things our dogs like. Since my dog is sick we were told to put yogurt in her dish with her food and she loves it!
